Soundset Artwork

Name: Reloaded 4
Requirements: Pigments 4
Number of sounds: 207
Format: Pigments
Style: Dance/Pop, Electronic, Cinematic

27 Bass sounds
42 Arpeggios & Sequences
5 Drum & Percussion
26 Effects
52 Synth & Leads
49 Pads & Strings
6 Textures & Soundscapes



​For Arturia Pigments

29.90 Euro.


Reloaded 4 is a celebration of one of the coolest software synthesizers on the planet. The soundset is focusing on everything that was introduced with version 4 of Pigments, such as the new effects and filters, and was completely built around the new library samples that came with Pigments 4. No other samples were used.

Technically speaking, the main focus is centred around the Korg MS20 filter, the Shimmer Reverb and the Super Unison effect. We used other effects too when appropriate, but the main focus of Reloaded was to put all the news in version 4 on the main stage.

“reloaded 4 is focusing on all the new features and samples that came with pigments version 4.”

Apart from focusing on the news of v4, another main aspect of the sound design was to create a wide range of sounds, from cutting edge EDM & modern pop sounds, to ambient & cinematic soundscapes and acoustic sounds. This collection is like a love letter to the days of Romplers.

BONUS SOUNDSET - Reloaded Rytm
As a fun little bonus we also recorded a handful of samples from the Elektron Analog Rytm and built our own presets from those - again focusing on the new features in Pigments 4 (MS20 filter, Shimmer Reverb and the new Super Unison effect). The samples from the Analog Rytm are mainly tonal in nature and is based on the DVCO oscillator. In other words, not too many drum sounds but more bass, synths and effects. Reloaded Rytm installs as a separate library and is based on our own original samples and sounds.

Soundset Artwork

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