Soundset Artwork

Name: Sickly Tapes
Requirements: Mellotron V
Number of sounds: 102
Format: Mellotron V
Style: Electronic, Lofi, House, Techno

12 Bass sounds
8 Drum Kits
27 Synth & Leads
​55 Pads & Strings



​For Arturia Mellotron V

14.90 Euro.


In spring of 2019 Arturia released their version of the granddaddy of all samplers - the Mellotron. Instead of digital electronics and a limited amount of RAM, the Mellotron was based on old magnetic tapes. One tape for each key, making it possible to emulate real-world sounds never being available for a keyboard instrument at that time, with a very special character that is still iconic to this day.

"sickly tapes combines the mellotron with the virus synthesizer creating a hybrid of modern sounds and old technology."

As soon as the Arturia Mellotron was released we immediately knew that this would be a fantastic place to build sounds of a more modern nature. After many experiments, we came up with the idea to use samples from the Access Virus to bring out a whole new feel of both the Virus and the Mellotron.

Rather than using extremely long samples, we decided to go for looped samples, but due to the engine of the Mellotron V, looping even prepared samples, turned out to be a challenge in extreme. But after months of work, we managed to find a balance between seamless loops and loops with interesting flutter and imperfections.

The result became the soundset Sickly Tapes, and just like with the original Mellotron, these sounds are full with character, noise and imperfections. Although the soundset have the largest focus on pads and leads, it also includes drum kits and bass sounds.

While possible to make a whole production with the soundset, these sounds are best used to be used one or two in a production to make them stand out. And not to mention that the Mellotron V is rather hungry when it comes to CPU power.

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